GRC Viewpoint

Why Is Uptime Monitoring Crucial?

Although running a business online has many advantages, some risks can be devastating if a troubleshooting strategy still needs to be implemented.

Checking to see if a website is adequately operational is the first step toward success in any domain.

Yet, website downtime is unavoidable. It is all about reducing it to maximize productivity and optimize results. A perfect and uninterrupted uptime is unrealistic. 

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Studies show that almost 50% of Internet users expect sites to respond quickly in under two seconds. The proactive site maintenance made possible by this knowledge can ensure that users get what they expect.

76% of firms experience data loss due to down websites, according to Acronis. The impact of a data loss is different for every incident. Primarily, data loss is associated with substantial financial losses as well.

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Each minute of downtime costs nearly $9,000, or about $500,000 every hour, says new data by the Ponemon Institute.

Also, frustrated customers will rush to the finest alternative if a website has slowed to the point where it is practically inaccessible.

Any website outages of varying intensities will be notified without fail with active uptime monitoring. 

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