GRC Viewpoint

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Creating A New Future for Cyber Security

Top Risk Management Solution Providers 2023

The challenge of cybersecurity and risk management is made even more difficult by today’s sophisticated, constantly developing threats and complex digital systems. Cyber spending increased to $260B last year from $3.5B in 2004. Yet, the cost of cybercrime increased from $4T to $6T.

Furthermore, with cyber insurance premiums continuing to rise along with more restrictive coverage terms, the message is clear, a new approach is urgently needed to achieve better outcomes around systemic risk, compliance, maturity, and ultimately ensuring positive return on investment. Read More…

Soterion has carved a niche for itself in the present risk management landscape. The organization focuses on making business-centric GRC solutions. The GRC solutions developed by the firm are not suppressed by suitability for a definite range of scenarios. Instead, the application possibilities are quite enormous for the Soterion GRC.

The firm understands that every enterprise has different scenarios concerning GRC requirements. “As every company’s GRC requirements differ, we’ve developed three ways, namely; hosted, on-premise, and managed service that SAP companies can handle their GRC, whatever their internal capability,” informs Dudley Alan Cartwright, CEO. Read More…

An essential component of every organization’s risk management plan is the assessment of cyber risks. The tech world still has some reliance on manual cyber risk assessment strategies. However, the risk impact assessment carried out manually is hardly error-proof. “Our plan for the future is to seek partnerships and collaborations with experts who possess the specific domain knowledge required to address the needs of these industries.” Read More…