CEO, Soterion

Soterion has carved a niche for itself in the present risk management landscape. The organization focuses on making businesscentric GRC solutions. The GRC solutions developed by the firm are not suppressed by suitability for a definite range of scenarios. Instead, the application possibilities are quite enormous for the Soterion GRC. The firm understands that every enterprise has different scenarios concerning GRC requirements. “As every company’s GRC requirements differ, we’ve developed three ways, namely; hosted, on-premise, and managed service that SAP companies can handle their GRC, whatever their internal capability,” informs Dudley Alan Cartwright, CEO. Leveraging years of experience in the GRC landscape, Soterion has helped enterprises derive maximum value from their GRC investments. Their solutions are leveraged by over 150 plus clients across the globe.
Access Risk Manager is a significant aspect of the wide range of solutions extended by Soterion. Customers have the option to determine their exposure to SAP access risk using the Access Risk Manager’s user-friendly web application. “Additional functionality includes risk remediation recommendations and the “What-if ” Allocation Simulator. The Simulator will allow you to preempt risk-bearing access before applying the change request in SAP, thus ensuring a proactive approach to SAP access risk management. The Access Risk Manager includes core access risk control features to manage SAP access risk. These include identification, risk remediation, user access change management, and risk mitigation,” adds the CEO. The firm also presents an impressive range of solutions including Basis Review Manager, Central Identity Manager, Data Privacy Manager, Elevated Rights Manager, Password Self-Service, Periodic Review Manager, and SAP License Manager.
To distinguish between actual access risks and hypothetical ones, Soterion for SAP examines user authorizations and takes into account information about the user’s prior transactional activity. As a result, companies may concentrate on the actual access risk in the SAP system. The key features of the Soterion Access Risk Manager include enhanced business accountability of access risk, Reduce access risk exposure, efficient support for the SAP authorization environment, and Improved compliance and reduced audit effort.
Soterion extends a proprietary GRC Maturity Model to benchmark the current GRC maturity level and also to Enhance the GRC capability. Also, the Agile strategies toward integrated risk management make it possible to easily transition from ‘zero GRC access risk abilities’ to ‘complete visibility’, within a matter of 24 hours. Furthermore, Soterion functions as an all-in-one solution as it comes equipped with the entire range of GRC features required by the enterprise. Also, one can hardly feel the need to tackle or deal with unnecessarily complex functionalities.
“Soterion is trusted by the big 4 global audit firms. Audit firms place trust in Soterion’s accurate and easy-to-use reporting, backed by excellent support. The other factors to highlight include Lower cost of ownership with rapid implementation and cloud offerings. Flexible subscription options are also available. Developed from the ground up, our plug-and-play Access Risk solution is easy to learn, S/4HANA ready, and boasts an award-winning user experience. We provide immediate integration into SAP allowing you to keep up with the market while effectively managing risk,” summarizes Cartwright.