GRC Viewpoint

InApp Protection -What To Know in 2023?

InApp Protection is a viable protection feature in the modern tech world. Let’s summarize the importance of InApp protection into two aspects. First, mobile apps seem to be the new favorite of cyber hackers. Secondly, the widespread adoption of mobile apps has led to users incorporating more data into the apps. So, the apps serve as a source of critical information that are the target of hackers. 

The studies on mobile apps and their security have confirmed that only eight and a half minutes are needed to download company apps and gain access to back-end systems. The data regarding this was confirmed by a study conducted in 2019.

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Almost four years later, the scenario still has more room for development. 

Why Are Mobiles Most Vulnerable?

Hackers are increasingly choosing mobile devices as their targets. One explanation is that mobile devices have less security software installed and can be easily hacked. 

The process of downloading mobile apps is simple. The apps can be easily downloaded. 

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Finally, because the surroundings of mobile devices are so complicated, hackers have access to a massive variety of free tools that they can use to create various attack routes.

In-app security is crucial for organizations that focus on mobile, but more is needed on its own. In addition, the entire mobile device ecosystem should be protected. 

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