In 2023, digital forensics is mostly incident response, says a recent analysis report by Magnet Forensics. The firm surveyed four hundred ninety-two corporate DFIR specialists in North America and Europe.
“The increasing sophistication of attacker TTPs requires an increasingly sophisticated response. Organizational defenders, incident responders, and forensic investigators are working to uncover the root cause of incidents to harden their environments and improve their security controls,” Dean Turner, VP of Product Management, Private Sector.
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According to 42% of DFIR practitioners, the challenge of developing cyber attack strategies for investigations is either significant or very significant.
More than 50% of DFIR professionals say that for a variety of DFIR functions, investing in automation would be highly or extremely valuable.
A lack of a comprehensive IR strategy was cited by 35% of respondents as a significant (27%) or extreme (10%) cause of resource wastage.
Also, DFIR professionals are difficult to find, hire, and onboard, so replacing burnt-out team members or growing the team to handle more work is challenging.
According to the survey, more than half of the DFIR professionals feel burnt out.