GRC Viewpoint

CISOs Prefer More Technical Assistance

Today’s CISOs have to perform altered responsibilities. Besides, CISOs constantly encounter new challenges and responsibilities. As a result, the CISOs find themselves in a uniquely challenging situation. Moreover, they are often at the center of all that’s happening.

As digital technologies become more prevalent across the industry, CISOs and other top leadership are exposed to uncertainty. 

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This puts a burden on the leadership team to perform beyond expectations. However, often lack of resources is a prominent obstacle. Besides, they are also  troubled by the need for more technological upgrades such as automation.

A recent study by Cynet, an extended detection and response platform, seconds this observation. 

Among the CISOs surveyed, not even one percent said they have the required infrastructure and technical support. Yet, all the participants uniformly agreed that the lack of resources often affects the outcomes of their work and the overall results.

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The results showed that 94% of CISOs reported feeling stressed at work, and 65 said avoiding work-related stress issues impacted their ability to protect their organizations. 

The job of a CISO must be highly demanding and challenging. So, stress is obvious and inevitable. However, the current scenario is different from what it used to be. The abundance of stress often impacts productivity levels. However, with some extra support, the situation could be alleviated further. 

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